A Journey of Loyalty and Love: Caring for an Aging Warrior, K9 Falca

In the backdrop of a Police K9 seminar nestled in the lush landscapes of Medford, Oregon, a day destined to be etched in my memory unfolded. It was February 25, 2011, a day that marked the beginning of an extraordinary chapter in my life. It was here, amidst eager attendees and the hum of anticipation, that I was invited to teach a K9 seminar, tasked with unveiling the transformative power of relationship-based training for working dogs. My mission was to illuminate a path away from the conventional aversive methods historically employed in police K9 training, advocating instead for an approach grounded in mutual respect and understanding.

Amid this setting of enlightenment and change, I was graced by the presence of a being whose soul was as intense as the gaze she fixed upon me. K9 Fiona, a fierce German Shepherd with a spirit as profound as the oceans I previously explored, was under the care and command of Officer Lorenz of the Medford P.D. This was no ordinary meeting but a moment of destiny, a serendipitous twist that would introduce me to my most cherished companion, subsequently known as K9 Falca.

Falca was an embodiment of nature's raw force. Her training in the demanding arena of police work had honed her skills to a fine edge, making her adept at apprehending suspects with unwavering precision, detecting drugs with unmatched acuity, and tracking individuals with meticulous care. Her formidable strength, coupled with an unbreakable will and a vast reservoir of civil and defensive aggression as well as prey drive, distinguished her as a peerless asset in the field. Yet, it was her unyielding spirit that truly set her apart, earning her the moniker Falca, a tribute to the female falcon, emblematic of her swift and spirited nature. Our journey together was one of profound learning and bonding, marked by countless hours of training that not only honed her skills but also forged an unbreakable bond of loyalty and courage. Falca's bravery was twice the savior of my life, a testament to the depth of our connection.

As the seasons have turned, bringing Falca to the venerable age of 15 and a half, our narrative adopts a more reflective tone, celebrating the enduring spirit of this valiant warrior as she navigates the golden years of her life. The rigorous demands of fieldwork may have yielded to the passage of time, yet the essence of Falca's spirit remains undimmed, a beacon guiding us in our quest to provide her with the care she richly deserves, a care that honors the legacy of a life lived with unparalleled devotion and bravery.

In embracing the philosophy of relationship-based training, we have discovered the profound impact of nurturing a bond built on respect, empathy, and mutual trust. It is this foundation that has elevated our journey with Falca, transforming not just the way we train but also how we care for those who have served alongside us with such unwavering loyalty. As we continue to walk this path with Falca, we remain committed to celebrating and caring for the indomitable spirit of this remarkable companion, whose legacy is a testament to the transformative power of love and understanding in the realm of working dogs.

Embracing the Golden Years with Grace

In the journey of providing care for a venerable working dog like Falca, we are engaged in a nuanced ballet of honoring her indomitable spirit while thoughtfully addressing the shifting landscapes of her needs. Despite the march of time that has bestowed upon Falca the title of senior, her zest for life remains undiminished. She eagerly anticipates the exhilaration of her monthly bite training sessions and finds joy in the engagement of short tracking exercises. These activities extend far beyond mere reminiscences of her storied past; they are the lifelines that sustain her mental agility and physical vitality. By engaging her in these pursuits, we tap into the essence of her being, fueling her innate instincts and nurturing her profound desire to embrace every moment of existence with fervor.

The science behind maintaining an aging working dog's health underscores the importance of these activities. Cognitive function in dogs, much like in humans, benefits from regular mental and physical stimulation. Studies have shown that engaging in problem-solving and physical exercises can slow cognitive decline in dogs, ensuring that their twilight years are marked not just by longevity but by quality of life. These activities stimulate neural connections, fostering an environment where mental acuity is preserved, and the joy of living is actively cultivated.

A Diet Fit for a Warrior

Falca's sustenance strategy stands as a beacon of our commitment to her well-being, embodying the principle that robust nutrition forms the bedrock of a long and healthy life. She is nourished by a raw diet, a carefully curated ensemble of turkey, duck, and rabbit. This selection is not arbitrary but is rooted in the understanding that high-quality proteins are crucial for maintaining muscle mass, supporting immune function, and ensuring overall health in aging canines. The inclusion of organ meats, constituting 10% of her diet, is a nod to nature's blueprint, offering a rich array of essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that are pivotal for an aging organism.

The choice of broccoli as her vegetable intake introduces potent antioxidants and fiber into her diet, combating inflammation and supporting digestive health. This holistic approach to nutrition is augmented by the strategic incorporation of supplements. Joint formulas address the wear and tear on her musculoskeletal system, a common concern in aging dogs, by providing components like glucosamine, chondroitin, msm and green lipid mussel,  that support cartilage health and joint fluidity. Coconut oil contributes medium-chain triglycerides, known for their brain-health benefits, potentially mitigating cognitive decline. The turkey tail mushroom, a powerhouse of immune-supporting polysaccharides, and a complete CBD oil supplement, renowned for its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective properties, round out this comprehensive regimen. Each element of Falca's diet is chosen with scientific precision, aiming to bolster her physical and mental faculties, ensuring her golden years are as radiant as the life she has led.

Physical Care and Emotional Bonding

In the autumn of Falca's life, the tapestry of her care is woven with threads of meticulous physical maintenance and the deep, intangible ties of emotional connection. The weekly excursions Falca enjoys, facilitated by her wheelchair, transcend mere physical exercise. They are expeditions into the world, rich with sensory experiences that ignite her curiosity and joy. These outings are not just about mobility; they are about maintaining muscle tone and sustainability, crucial for her overall well-being. The gentle movements required to navigate her environment help preserve muscle mass and flexibility, mitigating the risks of atrophy that can accompany aging. The stimulation of new scents, sights, and sounds also plays a vital role in her cognitive health, ensuring her mental landscape remains as vibrant and expansive as the world she explores.

Daily mental stimulation is equally paramount in sustaining Falca's cognitive acuity. Engaging her in problem-solving activities and training exercises tailored to her capabilities ensures that her mind remains as agile as her body. This daily mental engagement is akin to the cognitive exercises recommended for aging humans, designed to fortify neural pathways and delay the onset of cognitive decline.

Equally important is the provision of ample rest in environments that offer her comfort and security. Her favorite bed and couch are not merely places for sleep but sanctuaries where she can recharge, surrounded by the familiar and the beloved. The importance of rest in the health regimen of an aging dog cannot be overstated; it is during these periods of repose that the body repairs and rejuvenates, essential for maintaining health and vitality.

At the heart of Falca's care, beyond the physical and mental upkeep, lies the profound bond of love and companionship we share. This connection, built on years of mutual trust, respect, and understanding, is the cornerstone of her well-being. It is a reminder that emotional health is as critical as physical health. The security and comfort derived from our bond contribute significantly to her overall health, offering emotional support that is as crucial as any medical intervention. The presence of a trusted companion can alleviate stress, enhance mood, and improve quality of life, underscoring the role of emotional bonding in the holistic care of aging canines.

In the quietude that envelops our moments away from the world's gaze, it is the strength of our connection that emerges as the most potent elixir. This unbreakable bond, forged through years of shared experiences and unwavering loyalty, is the essence of Falca's care. It is a testament to the power of love and companionship in nurturing not just the body, but the soul, ensuring that her journey through the golden years is enveloped in warmth, care, and unwavering devotion.

A legacy of love

In the reflective journey of caring for an aging hero like K9 Falca, we are continuously enveloped in the profound lessons of resilience, love, and dignity. Falca's narrative extends beyond that of a remarkable working dog; it embodies a celebration of a life infused with purpose, passion, and an unwavering spirit. Meticulously addressing her evolving needs and valuing each shared moment, we not only pay homage to her legacy but also ensure her twilight years are as vibrant and fulfilling as the myriad seasons we've traversed together.

Falca, bearing both the heart of a warrior and the soul of a sage, has been a source of inspiration. Her journey alongside me has been one of profound mutual learning. Confronted with her intense civil aggression, Falca presented challenges that necessitated patience, understanding, and innovation. These challenges, rather than acting as obstacles, served as catalysts propelling me towards becoming a more adept cynologist and trainer. Our shared experiences highlighted the effectiveness and depth of a relationship-based approach to training – a method grounded in respect, empathy, and trust. This approach has not only transformed how I interact with canines but also how I instruct my students. The relationship I share with Falca is the most intense, honest, and trusting bond I've ever experienced, showcasing the transformative power of love and mutual respect, and offering invaluable lessons on the depth of connection achievable between beings.

This essence of our bond and the lessons gleaned from our journey together have significant ramifications beyond the sphere of canine training. They act as a poignant reminder that humans, too, should strive to nurture such levels of understanding, trust, and empathy within their relationships. The richness of our connection with Falca illustrates the potential for human relationships to attain greater depths of authenticity and mutual support, urging us to strive for a world where relationships are anchored in the principles of unconditional love and profound respect, mirroring the depth of the bond shared between a trainer and their canine companion.

As we honor Falca's enduring spirit, her legacy of love stands as a beacon for all privileged to know her and learn from her. This legacy transcends the confines of her life, inspiring us to adopt the principles of empathy, resilience, and dignity in all aspects of our lives. By embodying these values, we ensure that Falca's golden years are not merely a testament to her remarkable journey but also a reflection of the indelible impact she has made on the world around her. In paying tribute to her legacy, we pledge to continue cherishing every moment, every lesson, and every memory, ensuring that the legacy of love she leaves behind continues to inspire and guide us on the path ahead.

Amidst this reflection on the profound journey shared with Falca and the legacy of love she weaves into the fabric of our lives, there lies a fervent prayer from the depths of my heart for the gift of time. Time to continue learning from her wisdom, to bask in the warmth of our unparalleled bond, and to navigate the adventures that lie ahead. As we cherish Falca's golden years, I find myself hoping and praying for many more years to come, filled with joy, growth, and the unparalleled companionship that defines our relationship.

This prayer is not merely a wish for longevity but a testament to the profound impact Falca has on my life and the lives of those around us. It's a desire to continue experiencing the world through her eyes, facing challenges together, and reveling in moments of quiet understanding and mutual respect that have become the cornerstone of our bond. Moreover, this prayer for time is also a commitment—a commitment to ensuring that every moment we are granted is filled with the love, care, and respect Falca deserves. It's a promise to make the most of our time together, to create a nurturing environment that supports her well-being, and to honor her legacy by living and teaching the values she embodies.

Bart de Gols - Copyright 2024