
Who's Training Whom? “The Canine Comedy of Accidental Education”

Who's Training Whom? “The Canine Comedy of Accidental Education”

Every dog owner unwittingly doubles as a professor in the school of Pavlovian Pooches, often granting diplomas in subjects like Advanced Doorbell Barking and Intro to Leash Tug-of-War. This tongue-in-cheek exploration delves into the comedic mishaps of classical conditioning in daily dog ownership and suggests a shift towards the more deliberate approach of operant conditioning. It's time to stop scratching our heads when Fido freaks out at the sight of our sneakers and start scratching behind his ears for the right reasons. In this humor filled article I explain why we need to “De-Pavlov” ourselves and increase our “Skinnarian” powers.

Training Steadiness in Hunting Dogs

Training Steadiness in Hunting Dogs

Steadiness is an essential attribute for any hunting dog, providing the foundation for disciplined behavior in the midst of hunting excursions. It ensures that the dog remains composed, attentive, and obedient, regardless of the distractions or temptations that arise in the natural environment. A dog that embodies steadiness is one that will not impulsively pursue game or disrupt the hunt, thereby maintaining the integrity of the hunting experience and safeguarding all involved from potential hazards. In this article, I will teach you the process of instilling steadiness in your hunting dog, offering strategies that are effective across various breeds and types of hunting.

Choosing a professional dog trainer to board and train your dog? Yes or no?

If you ask my professional opinion If you should hire a professional dog trainer to train your dog, my honest answer is no. This will sound weird to most of you as I talk against my own business. Don’t get me wrong dog training is what put bread on my table and food for my family but I would not recommend sending my own dogs to a professional dog trainers in many cases.